• Summit Childcare's Amelia Nannying

    Welcome to Summit Childcare!

    Our childcare is flexible to suit your schedule, offering trustworthy and reliable nannies for a seamless experience tailored to your family’s needs.

  • Elevate Your Winter Getaway!

    Have a browse at our expert Nannies for a memorable family holiday in the Portes Du Soleil!

Why Choose Us?

Why Summit Childcare? We prioritize your family’s well-being, providing reliable and personalized childcare services. Our skilled team ensures a stress-free and memorable holiday tailored to your needs.

Where Do We Operate?

Explore the resorts we currently operate in, starting with the scenic Portes du Soleil area. Stay tuned for updates as we are busy expanding to new locations.

Book Your Nanny Today!

Arranging your next family alpine vacation is now simple! Our qualified and trusted nannies are ready to assist with your little ones. To secure your nanny, just fill out the inquiry form with your details, and we’ll take care of the rest.